Our Mission & Vision
RISE NM's mission is to expand the accessibility and usability of statewide, educational and workforce cross-agency data. This tool will help drive informed decision- and policy-making that produces positive impacts to the education and workforce outcomes while protecting individual privacy and confidentiality.
RISE NM is a resource for reliable statewide, cross-agency data and reports that guide decisions and policies that prepare and drive sustainable educational decisions and emerging workforce needs.
Improving Outcomes for New Mexicans
Leverage data to improve equity, student, and workforce outcomes.
Obtain comprehensive and verified educational and workforce data and trends.
Make data-driven policy, programmatic, and investment decisions through predictive analysis.
Obtain assistance with state and federal funding.
Examples of Combined Data Include
Educational Program Participation (e.g., dual credit, afterschool)
Student Demographics & Enrollment
Teacher Preparation, Certification & Licensure
Workforce & Earnings
Financial Aid
Connecting student and teacher performance data across pre-school, elementary, middle, high school, college, adult education and into career (longitudinal data), and doing so comprehensively, accurately, and authoritatively, will enable policy makers to address the strengths and weaknesses of the educational pipeline and our programs like never before. Research with this data can improve student achievement and reduce achievement gaps, improve instructional practices and teacher/leader effectiveness, and ensure that all students are adequately prepared for postsecondary education, the workforce, or Armed Services. State PK20W data systems are also a requirement of the federal education funding programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and will support the goals of New Mexico Statute 22-1-11 (2011).
Each education agency has developed data systems that serve their mission and needs within the limits of the data they possess. Data can be merged across systems for one-time projects, but it is an inefficient process. Specifically, agencies try to identify and use information that is common across data sets, but such information is often inconsistent if not missing. Therefore, the process for each project is highly manual, time-intensive, and error-prone. Having one solution where all data are brought, analyzed, and matched by state-of-the-art technology is the most secure as well as time- and cost-effective way to merge them.
After records have been matched across agency systems, they are de-identified with personally identifiable information such as name or social security number removed. Even the highest-level users will not be able to access identifiable information. Most users will only see summary-level reports. Additional measures will also be taken to further protect individual information such as restricting reports from providing data about groups whose numbers are so small that they could potentially identify a student by their age, race, or other characteristics.
Funding for NMLDS is provided through state appropriations, federal grants, and other grants or contributions from public entities and non-governmental organizations (NGO).
The current agency partners are ECECD, PED, HED, DVR, and DWS. At some point in the future, additional data from other New Mexico State agencies could be included.